Hermann Struve

Karl Hermann Struve was a Russian astronomer. In Russian, his name is sometimes given as German Ottovich Struve or German Ottonovich Struve .

Herman was born in 1854 in Tsarskoye Selo, a former Russian residence of the imperial family and visiting nobility, locatedkilometers south from the center of St.160Petersburg. He attended gymnasium in Vyborg and in 1872 entered the Tartu University . While studying there, in 18741875, Struve participated in an expedition to observe transit of Venus through the disk of the Sun. That observation was carried out at Port Poisset on the Asiatic East Coast. After graduation in 1877, he became a member of the Pulkovo Observatory and was sent abroad for twoyear postgraduate studies. Accompanied by his cousins husband, Struve stayed in several cities, including Strasbourg, Paris, Milan, Graz and Berlin, learning from such celebrities as Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, Boltzmann and Weierstrass. After returning to Russia, he joined the staff of Pulkovo Observatory, studying the satellites of Saturn among other things.

Source: Wikipedia